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Supported by the Philip E. and Carole R. Ratcliffe Foundation

Any credit or noncredit AACC student, regardless of their field of study, can take advantage of the services and resources of the Entrepreneurial Studies Institute program and scholarships at Anne Arundel Community College.  

The Entrepreneurs Scholarship provides:

  • Funds for tuition, fees, books and supplies for credit and preapproved noncredit courses (including BNS-393 Entrepreneurs Ramp Up mentoring)
  • Practical experience
  • Resources to support entrepreneurial student success

There is a lifetime maximum of $12,000 per student for the Entrepreneurs Scholarship. Availability of funds is contingent on a variety of factors including continued financial support by the Ratcliffe Foundation.

Eligibility Criteria

To apply, you should:

  • Possess entrepreneurial aspirations (a business owner or someone who wants to start a new venture)
  • Have a completed FAFSA for the current academic year on file with AACC. The FAFSA will be reviewed for eligibility. 
  • Be a current student or have a completed admissions application at AACC
  • Complete the AACC Scholarship Application for the academic year you plan to attend. 
  • Maintain a GPA of 2.5 or better*.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen

*Current AACC students must have a 2.0 GPA to be accepted. New AACC students who have not completed a class have no GPA requirement. 


The deadline is noon Thursday, March 13. Applicants will be notified at the Business Pitch Competition and Awards Ceremony on April 29. Recipients are required to attend an orientation lunch on Friday, May 16, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.


On the AACC Scholarship application there is a check box to indicate you want to start a business or that you already have a business. That box must be checked. Once you complete the AACC Foundation Scholarship application you will be directed to the Entrepreneurs Scholarship. Some of your information will be uploaded to the application. Follow the directions on the application.

Do You Have Questions or Have You Submitted the Application? 

Students who have already submitted the Foundation Scholarship application but have not checked the box indicating they want to start a business still have the opportunity to apply. Send an email to and request that the application be reopened. Provide a reason for the request (to complete the Entrepreneurs Scholarship application). 

Students who have difficulty or have a question about the process can also email Please be specific with your question.

Entrepreneurs Scholarship Mentoring

As part of the BNS 393 "Ramp Up" course, every scholarship recipient will sign up with a mentor who will provide guidance and advice. The mentors and mentees will be required to meet and actively participate in the ESI Mentorship program.

Internship Scholarship 

(Available to current Ratcliffe Scholars only.)

The Internship Scholarship provides a $1,500 stipend for 100 to 120 hours. The stipend is paid in two installments after successfully completing the first half and after successfully completing the second half of the internship experience.


  • Secure an internship prior to registering for the course. Assistance and support is available from AACC's internship office.
  • Register for BPA-275 Internship in Business 1.


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Entrepreneurial Studies Institute

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Entrepreneurial Studies Institute Overview

Ratcliffe Scholarship Application Tips